Bourton Park, also known as Bourton Meadow, is a wildlife nature haven, it is made up of grasslands, streams and an eco-pond system. The penstock is a sluice gate that we manually open and close using a large key, it screws up and down to divert the water. A penstock is used to lower the water level in the pond system to allow for cleaning or to raise the water level and bring in river water to protect wildlife in very dry conditions. This is a very simple invention of mechanical engineering that helps to support the environment because it is designed to produce, store and transfer energy in the most environmentally friendly way possible. In relation to robotics, mechanical engineers would be highly involved in the work to design and develop, build and test mechanical devices such as robots.

Coming back to the eco-pond system, it is important because it works with the environment to provide food, shelter and safety to the wildlife around it. It also provides us, humans, with an all-natural, low maintenance piece of paradise. Bourton park is home to a diverse range of fine trees, wildflower, meadow areas and wildlife including otters, birds and fish. To learn more about Bourton park, don’t forget to try the green route available on Buxplore.

Just for fun: What do you say at a robot funeral? Answer: Rust in piece!